
Friday, September 10, 2010

No writing assignment today

Sorry I haven't done a Words on a Page writing assignment lately. I came down with an awful cold and haven't had the time or energy to write one. I am going to tell you a bit about the story I'm working on.

I'm currently in the middle of chapter four. The story does not yet have a title, and I haven't revised any of it yet. It's set in a nonexistent medieval kingdom. I'm writing this untitled story sort of like the writer (Princess Ina) is remembering her past. The story will end when she is around twenty seven and it begins when she is seven years old. And since you are a writer not a mathematician, that means the story spans the time of about twenty years.

I love the style I'm using, I would love to write more stories like this one, but I should probably wait to get the first one done before I start more! 

I will try to get the next writing assignment up as soon as I feel healthy! Or next Friday, whichever comes first.... or last... I'm not making sense any more! Also, I will keep you updated on my progress with the untitled story about a princess.

Don't forget to comment! When you comment it makes us feel special! Or if you're too lazy to comment you can rate the post or click on the little check boxes.... please.



  1. I just wanted to let you know that I love this blog and thanks for all the helpful advice on writing. Do you feel special now?

  2. I do! Thanks! Keep writing (and reading)! I love hearing from you guys!

