
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I remember you!

Hi! I totally forgot I had this blog and now it is time to post again. I know, you're jumping up and down at your computer desk in excitement.

Update on my own writing projects: I have been working on a story that I LOVE that I recently restarted because the original three versions were boring. I really like my characters and the plot and everything... at the moment. I'm also working on a short story. No, I will not share the short story. It is too long to type and I am way to lazy to try. I am also sick of 150 word paragraphs, I just thought you'd like to know.

Now that I remember that this blog is here, I should be posting more. Oh, and the first birthday of this blog was the second of the month. Hopefully, I remember next year. Someone needs to remind me. Don't be afraid to share this blog with your writing friends and/or family. Words on a Page loves everyone... well... almost everyone.

That's all I've got! I'll be posting again soon! Maybe...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Writers Block

Writers block is a hard thing to get by,but I found out that there is a simple solution.I put it together in a series of steps.

1.Put down your pencil and notebook.
2.Close your eyes.
3.Write down the first thing that pops into your head.
4.If you like it, write about it,if you don't like it repeat steps 1,2,and 3.

That is really all there is to it! I hope this helps.

Charlotte M.Clementine

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hey! I'm posting again! Finally! It's been almost a month and I have no excuse for not posting. I'm sure if I thought really hard I could think of one, but you don't come here to listen to my excuses, you come to read about writing! If you're not, well... I don't know what to say to that.

I have a notebook that I carry around almost all the time. When I have to wait at a train station or my fast food is not fast, then I can whip it out and work on the latest chapter to some story I'm working on or jot down funny things people say. I'm serious, I actually do write down funny things people say (or I think of). Sure, you hear about writers doing this, and it sounds like a good idea. But in the moment, you figure "that's too much work I'll remember it later". Been there, done that. But do you know what happened? I didn't. I FORGOT!
I decided that those writers must have a memory that doesn't remember things, just like mine! And since I started carrying a notebook I have written down some pretty awesome stuff. And a lot of it has been going into stories.
Another thing to jot down is anything that inspires you! The most random of things can spark a story. For instance, remember Lemon Crayon?  That idea came from a conversation with my dad. It was his idea, but I wrote the story. I've come up with a lot of other stuff like that from random little things.

I hope all of this has convinced you to start carrying a notebook around with you! It comes in more handy than you would think! Take my word for it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Writers should never go to jail!

"Freya" and I were talking the other day about some of the characters in our stories. Well, it was more like gossiping about the characters. "Freya" pointed out that it's not wrong to gossip if they're not real people. If we gossip about fake people, that kind of makes it so we don't have the urge to gossip about people in real life. And when you don't feel guilty about it, that makes your characters so much more fun!

And then I got to thinking: Well maybe if we lie, steal, and do other wrongs through the villains... Doesn't that mean we won't want to do it in real life? She agreed with me. Of course this was another one of our nonsense conversations... but still, it made sense (Yes, the nonsense made sense). Writers shouldn't have a reason to go to jail. If they want to do something wrong they can write and do it in first person!

Don't sin... just have a lot of villains in you stories.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

I don't really have anything funny to say like Vladimir usually does,but I just want to wish you a..

Charlotte M. Clementine
