
Monday, September 20, 2010


Sharks are an interesting type of animals. They have lots of teeth and they are usually big and heavy with the exception of a couple of sharks.These sharks can be reef sharks and nurse sharks.Most sharks are not dangerous to humans at all.A few of the ones that can be dangerous are Great Whites,Tiger Sharks,and Hammerhead Sharks.One of the rarest of all sharks is the goblin shark,it is rarely seen,because it lives deep down in the water. The biggest and gentlest of all sharks is the whale shark.And nearly all sharks are endangered.

The End


Charlotte's Arrival

Hello! My pen name is Charlotte M. Clementine.
I am a new Words on a Page author. My experience in writing is not incredible. I enjoy writing school assignments and so forth, so my invitation to Words on a Page sounded like an awesome opportunity. This is my chance to learn about blogging and further my knowledge in creative writing. I am so excited to provide stories and writing advise for all of you wonderful readers!

-Charlotte M. Clementine

We all know one of those people. They're the strange ones. Chances are you know someone like this. You may very well me strange yourself! Those people are odd, weird, crazy and possibly insane. You may not be friends with someone like that. Why? Because they're just not normal! But the odd ones seem to be the most entertaining. You may jump up and down for joy when your particularly peculiar friend calls, because you know he's going to tell some crazy story about ordering from McDonalds. Or maybe he'll just tell a normal story and make it sound like the funniest thing ever.

The weird ones don't say "cool" or "awesome" or "wow". They come up with different expressions that know one else would think to say.

The weird ones are a good kind of weird. They are people who can inspire, make you laugh and keep you on your toes. They are the ones who become characters in books, the subject of elementry school speeches and are some of the most amazing people on the face of the planet. They are the ones who you can learn from, they know how to put art into life and life into art.

Next time some one says you are crazy, you can look them in the eye with your head held high and say: "Thank you". Thank you awesome friends, with your quirks and oddities. That is what makes you special, and that is what makes you awesome. Stand proud and declare your strangeness... or not... that's up to you.
Because you know when to be weird and when not to be which sets you apart from the rest even more.

The End

Please tell us your thoughts on this fun little thing I wrote (you can tell that I have too much free time).  I would love to know your thoughts! You can tell us about how we perfectly described you or a friend. Or maybe share this with your friend to let her know how AMAZINGLY EPIC he or she is. In short: comment!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Writing a story: when to revise

 You've written about a chapter of your book. You decide to go back to make some corrections. You keep doing this every few pages. Uh-oh, if you have to make all of these corrections your story just isn't good enough, so you quit. Sound familiar? I think I might have some ideas to help.

These suggestions are just for people who have tried everything and this is their last resort to finally getting past chapter one. It worked for me and hopefully it will work for you. Every writer is different, so these may not be any help. But they're here if you need them.

  • The Plot: Forget about the plot! If you are expecting to write about a big exciting thing that's going to happen on page 137, chances are the people who bought your book are expecting to read about it. Frankly, planning out the entire plot of the story just makes it too predictable. "Go with the flow" is a good  way to put it. Let the characters and events lead you through the story, instead of you leading them. 
  • Deceiving Yourself: You may think something like: "I think I may have this character's name  wrong, I should go back and check." DON'T!!! Your just thinking that because you want to read what you've written and see how good it is. If you really care that much if the random girl's name is Jan or Jane, you can make a little side note. Or if the writing program you use doesn't have that, use a piece of notebook paper and make notes as worries come to mind. 
  • When to Revise: Revise when you're all done! Don't freak yourself about if the story is any good, or if your characters are described well or whatever. I think you can wait. If you MUST have it revised right away, have a friend do it for you. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Writing a Story: the story

I find that the best way for me to write is to write it all out, don't look back and don't look ahead. Remember everything you learned in school about always making an outline for your work? Don't do it if you're writing a fictional story. BAD IDEA.... usually. It works for some people to make a vague outline and know what's going to happen. That works for some. And that's okay. Write a few short stories first. Try a different style of planning for each one.

There are some things to think about before writing a story such as:
  • 1st person, 3rd person (or even, 2nd person)
  • When does this take place?
  • Where does this take place?
  • What kind of writing do I want to use?
Now I'll explain each one.

1st person, 3rd person (or even, 2nd person) The point of view you use to write is very important! You probably know from school which one is which. Make sure you don't randomly go between persons. Wait until the next chapter or section if you are going to switch.

When does my story take place? 
The sixties? Medieval times? The future? The present? Outside of time? You decide! A clever way to make it so nothing has to be historically correct is to put it outside of history. Don't mention any famous people or historical events, that way no one really knows when they are, or even if  in a real place.

Where does my story take place?
A magical kingdom, a science lab, a small town in the middle of Kentucky? Anywhere! But you have to make it fit the story.  

What kind of writing do I want to use? What kind of feeling do you want conveyed through your writing? Do some research on old English literature, the style is very interesting and I find myself using some techniques derived from it.

If you have anything to add, ask me, tell me about, or a story to submit, just comment! And don't forget to visit the reader writings page! I can't wait to hear from you!

-Vladimir Malcolm

Friday, September 10, 2010

No writing assignment today

Sorry I haven't done a Words on a Page writing assignment lately. I came down with an awful cold and haven't had the time or energy to write one. I am going to tell you a bit about the story I'm working on.

I'm currently in the middle of chapter four. The story does not yet have a title, and I haven't revised any of it yet. It's set in a nonexistent medieval kingdom. I'm writing this untitled story sort of like the writer (Princess Ina) is remembering her past. The story will end when she is around twenty seven and it begins when she is seven years old. And since you are a writer not a mathematician, that means the story spans the time of about twenty years.

I love the style I'm using, I would love to write more stories like this one, but I should probably wait to get the first one done before I start more! 

I will try to get the next writing assignment up as soon as I feel healthy! Or next Friday, whichever comes first.... or last... I'm not making sense any more! Also, I will keep you updated on my progress with the untitled story about a princess.

Don't forget to comment! When you comment it makes us feel special! Or if you're too lazy to comment you can rate the post or click on the little check boxes.... please.

