
Friday, December 17, 2010

The Carpet Cleaner

This is a poem about an unsung hero: the carpet cleaner. I wanted to tell people about how great this profession was. Share this with a friend. Together we can spread the word about the awesomeness of carpet cleaners!

The Carpet Cleaner
I stood there with my good ol' vacuum.
The Carpet was full of dirt gloom. 
 I had never seen such a dirty floor.
I prepared myself to run out the door.
A carpet cleaner, this was my job.
My partner's name was Frank, mine was Bob.
The carpet was tan, though it was supposed to be white.
To clean that carpet, we'd be there all night.
I looked at Frank, he looked at me. 
I took a deep breath and started to clean. 
As I vacuumed and scrubbed, the carpet looked fine.
On this carpet, you could even dine!
We finished at midnight, I heard the bell.
We were done, and the carpet looked swell!

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Thing about Writing

You know,the thing about writing is that,for people like me sometimes it is not always easy.The first thing about writing a story is finding an idea,which is pretty easy for me,maybe not all people but for me.The next thing is writing a rough draft,which is easy but for me it is hard to stay focused on the story,I have a hard time finishing it.But luckily,for people like me there is plenty of help.Such as,things that help you write your story,like the thing Vladimir has,and there are plenty of things like that that do a lot of the writing for you,and all you have to do is fill in the blanks. And for people who don't like writing with a pencil,just type.I guess what I am trying to say is: that no matter what your thing is about writing,there is always a pretty good solution.

So the next time you have\want to write,but have trouble,do your research and you will usually find a good solution,either on the internet,or a book.

Charlotte M. Clementine

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hello everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! If you want a writing assignment today, here: write about what you are most thankful for. Pretty easy right? I wish I had some cool Thanksgiving tradition to start at Words on a Page. If you can think of a good one, tell me! Ideas for Christmas are welcome too! We have some stuff that should be posted soon... well, soon-ish. I'm going to have to make this short, it's time for Thanksgiving pie!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Family Game Night

Hey ya'll. Sorry for not posting in so long, I had a post written down somewhere and it disappeared. Sometimes disorganization is a blessing, other times a curse. Because I have lost my writing a story post, you get to read another story I wrote. For some reason my short stories are all comedies. I don't know why, and I'm not complaining.

 Family Game Night
 Written November 19, 2010
          So this is how it was. They had turned against me. This was war! They brought it upon themselves, really. They were so eager at first, it was a game to them. Now they were fidgeting nervously, waiting for their cards to be dealt.
          We were in a dimly lit basement room. The tension was so thick you would have needed a jackhammer to cut through it. A crowd of six or seven people were watching and occasionally whispering to one another. Were they placing bets? It was anybody's game, really.
          I motioned for the crowd to be silent. My opponents and I just sat there. The dealer slid us the cards, keeping track of how many each person got. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Seven cards. I could taste victory on the tip of my tongue. Though the taste was very faint, it was there.
          I arranged the cards in my hand, careful not to show anyone. I was hoping I had the advantage. As my opponents -- or enemies, rather-- scanned the cards they held, I did the same. The person across the table laid down a few cards. I glared at him and laid down a pair of four of hearts.
         The game was nearing its end. It seemed like so much more than a game! The kid across from me asked in his nasty, menacing voice, "Got any twos?" I looked at him for a long time. Then a slow smile stretched across my face. "Go fish," I replied. He laid his head face down on the card table in defeat. That was it. I had won family game night.

Let me know how you like the story! It's not that hard! You can rate it, click one of the check boxes, or if you're really daring, you can comment! And if you are just plain crazy you can share this story with your friends and let them know about how much you love Words on a Page!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lemon Crayon

 My dad requested I wrote a story about a guy names Lemon Crayon. So I did. And I just HAD to share it...

Lemon Crayon

My full name is Lemon Crayon Joe Bob Thompson…

My parents met 34 years ago. My mom was an aspiring artist. My dad was not.
He wanted to be a professional carpet cleaner. They were going to the same college.
I know what you’re thinking, a carpet cleaner in college? Well, yes. Anyways, my
mom was in art class drawing and what not and my dad needed a staple gun from the
art department when mom dropped her lemon colored crayon. Dad picked it up and
handed to her. Blah, blah, blah.
Two years later, I was born. My parents wanted a name that was unique. They
went through names such as: Yosemite, Chewbacca, Duck Man, Sardine etc. And then
my mom said to dad with a gleam in her eye, “Let’s name him Lemon Crayon!”
My dad loved the name and when I was born, mom told all the nurses that my
name was to be Lemon Crayon. They didn’t believe her. Who would? It was weird!
When I was in middle and high school and decided to have my friends come
over (they simply called me “L.C.” or “Thompson”) mom and dad would go on AND ON
about how wonderful my name was and scolded my friends for not calling me Lemon
Bullies would put me on their resume. Kids went as me for Halloween. Having a
weird name was known as “having a Lemon Crayon name”.It was not fun to be me.

When I was applying to go to college, I was usually turned down because no one
believes you when you say your name is Lemon Crayon. When I did get into college I
ended up in an art school. On the first day of class I was praised for changing my name
to an art medium. I said that I didn’t really care about art but my parents wanted me in
college and I just happened to be named after a crayon. I got kicked out of the school.

Finally a REAL college accepted me and I learned how to manage a business. I
joined a company that makes fancy granola. I remember my first meeting a.k.a. one of
the most humiliating days of my life.
“Okay guys!” My boss told us. “This is a huge meeting. If it goes well our granola
could be advertised by none other than Abigail Douglas!” She was a spokes person who
was highly sought after in the world of breakfast and snack food. “Don’t blow it! If you
do…Just don’t, okay?”
We all sat around the long conference table. I heard Ms. Douglas’ voice on the
other side of the line. I was in charge of marketing, so I was supposed to do the talking.
“Ms. Douglas, I’m the head of the marketing department for Yummy Granola,

have you read over the contract?”
“Yes Mr. - what’s your name?” She had to be kidding. If I said my real name then
the whole deal would be over and done for.
“Mr. Thompson.” I said
“I don’t call people Mr. It’s so old fashioned.” What?! Didn’t she know that my
name humiliated me?
“Lemon Crayon,” I mumbled.
“Lemon Crayon,” I mumbled again.
“Speak up! Do you want to have me represent Yummy Granola or what?”
“LEMON CRAYON!!!” I screamed.
“Is this a joke?” She asked angrily.
“No! You can call me L.C….”
I heard a click on the line. She hung up. Everyone in the room looked at me. No
one said anything. And then my boss, Mr. Charles, said something so quietly I could
barely hear.
“I will give you a five second head start.”
I tried to figure out what he meant. I knew when he jumped out of his chair and
ran after me. I was glad Mr. Charles didn’t work out. I could out run him. But when I
reached a dead end he caught me. “Lemon Crayon, you ARE FIRED!!!”

The next day I met a girl at the unemployment office. Her name was Fish Pie. We
got along great and eventually got married and had two kids named Yoda and Scooby-
Doo. They got bullied all the time and we all lived miserably ever after.


Tell me what you think!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here is a pointless story for you to enjoy!

I felt stressed. I didn't feel stressed very often, so when I did it hit me hard. It wasn't a huge deal, I realize that now, but things always seem worse in the moment. The basement was flooded, worse than usual. Mom and dad were gone all day and it was rained cats and dogs no -- llamas and alpacas! I forgot to do this thing with the gutters I'm supposed to do every time it rains hard like it was that night and before I knew it, water covered the basement floor. I was so glad mom decided against putting a carpet down there.

And then mom got home. I told her that Noah's ark was about to set sail in the basement. Of course I was exaggerating, mom just thought I was exaggerating more than I really was.
"No, seriously mom, there's a LOT of water down there, believe me!"
"Why didn't you do any thing?!"
"I'm not even a teenager," I replied, my 13th birthday was next month.
"What's your excuse going to be when you're 13?" She asked while filling a basket with towels.
"When I'm 13 I'll say 'but I'm not even in high-school yet' when I'm 14 and 15 'I don't even have my driver's license when I'm 16 and 17 'I'm not even an adult'."
"And when you're 18?"
"I won't have an excuse. At least not a good one."
Mom laughed and started mopping us the floor. After about two hours, not only did I feel really guilty, but the water was gone and everything was fine.

The End

Thank you for reading this pointless and random story that I wrote for no real reason except that I was bored.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My note book

I have a notebook. It's a plain, red, 70 page notebook that I got for about 50¢. I have filled up about half of the notebook already. Every time I need to write something down, I write it in that note book and put the date at the top. The notebook has everything from stories to to do lists. Try this for yourself. Use only one notebook for all the stuff you write down (except for homework) and write the date on every page. Once you fill your notebook, get another one and do the same thing. Put all of the note books you've filled on a shelf or in a bin so you can look back at them every so often. After you finish a note book write the date of the first entry and last entry on the cover with a marker. It would say something like this:
August 3-November 29

You could make a new years tradition of going through all of the things you wrote in the past year. Encourage friends and family to do the same. You don't have to write in it everyday. Just when you remember. You don't even have to write a complete short story. One of the pages in my notebook says nothing but "Time and Space" at the top. I have stories in there with no beginning or end. Write whatever you want! I also have pages where I simply wrote about a character. If an idea is nagging at your mind, write it down! Your note book will be full in no time.

Two paragraphs.... close enough...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Comedy, Drama and why not to make fun of school assignments.

Today I was too lazy to write a "writing a story" writing assignment. So I'm going to write about nonsense and why I love it.

The other day I made a goofy little CD for myself. I sang a bung of goofy songs I made up, put them on the computer and put them on my iPod. The CD is just plain weird. My favorite song is called "He Probably Hates You Anyways". The song makes absolutely no sense. Which is why I love it!

What does my strange music have to do with writing? Nonsense. Don't be afraid to write things that are.... out there. I'd say about two thirds of my writing is about goofy things. Like my songs, who finds a song about marring Ronald McDonald interesting and profound? If someone did I would like to suggest seeing a psychiatrist. Your writing doesn't nessecarily have to be serious. Sometimes you do have to write serious things, which is very difficult for me! I was assigned some poorly written, over-dramatic, oddly worded books for book reports. I wanted so badly to make fun of them in my writing... but alas, I could not. Instead I made it sound over-dramatic. My friend got a kick out of what I wrote and I still got a good grade because it did sound serious. I'm not giving you a way to do your homework. Don't try that at home! Or school. Or if your homeschooled I guess that would apply to both...

Drama can be written as comedy. You can completely turn it around. Which is fun to do. Here comes the assignment: Write a short piece on any subject, don't make it longer that a page. Write it and make it sound incredibly serious and dramatic. Then write essentially the same thing, only funny. Show both to someone with a good sense of humor. If they don't laugh, write the second one again.
When that is done, you can submit your work to our reader writings page. 

Short, funny things are probably my favorite thing to write. Every time I hear something I think is funny (and would fit on a T-shirt) I write it down. I'm filling up a note book with things like "There's a pachyderm on my trachea" and "suddenly a plane landed in a field and out came Abraham Lincoln in a polka-dot dress, doing the cha-cha". Even now I have "I said sophisticated, not English" written on my hand. And my the way, that isn't an insult to the English, I was trying to act sophisticated and I started talking with an English accent. 

Comedy is also about the words you choose. If you said "last night I ate salsa before bed which made me have a dream about Justin Bieber wearing a tutu" that's funny, but it might be funnier to say "Last night I had a dream that Justin Bieber of all people was in my ballet class. He can NOT pirouette! That'll teach me to eat salsa before bed!" 

This post is getting really long. I'm going to keep writing!

Making fun of things is also good for comedy. Be VERY, VERY careful! Don't make fun of a person. Unless that person is yourself. If you resort to poking fun at things, ask close friends or your mom to make sure it doesn't sound offensive. The way things are written and the way things are read are very different!

Two writing assignments in one day:
That one I mentioned before and write a piece of comedy writing about a famous person from the past (like a LONG time ago) and write a story centered on the comic situations they would get in. (I just ended a sentence with a preposition... ignore that.) Submit your writing to the reader writings page and/or comment! 

In retrospect, it would've been a lot easier just to write a "writing a story" blog post. I'm not looking over what I wrote because that will be a lot more work. Sorry for poor grammar and spelling and whatever. Have a nice day.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Writing a Story: Research

There are some fictional books where you just can't get around it. In order to make you book good you have to do some research. There are different approaches to research. My approach seems to be: get a bunch of library books on the subject, read my favorite one and return them all before I have to pay a fine. Other people just look it up on the Internet. They do it the easy way, and there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes researching a topic in your story is a good way to get away from the story, but not too far away.

How much do you actually need to research something? It depends. Say you're writing about a medieval princess. You would probably need to know the basic build of a castle, jobs of a royal family, duties of a lady-in-waiting, the clothing worn in that era ect. Chances are if you're writing a book about something you have at least a little bit of knowledge about what you are writing.

There was that movie that just came out. Legend of the Guardians or what ever it was? The one about the owls? Anyways, when I was watching the movie I noticed how detailed everything was (probably because I was wearing 3D glasses) and I wondered how long it would have taken, not just to create the art work, but to learn about owls. Everything was very precise. Someone must have spent hours and hours in a library reading about owls and how they fly and eat and everything else. I suppose they had to find an expert as well. The movie was based on a book, which makes it even more incredible, in my opinion.

That's all I have to say! Sorry this came out so late, I've been so busy and everything has been beyond hectic! I'm hoping to post more often in the days to come. Thank you for reading!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Sharks are an interesting type of animals. They have lots of teeth and they are usually big and heavy with the exception of a couple of sharks.These sharks can be reef sharks and nurse sharks.Most sharks are not dangerous to humans at all.A few of the ones that can be dangerous are Great Whites,Tiger Sharks,and Hammerhead Sharks.One of the rarest of all sharks is the goblin shark,it is rarely seen,because it lives deep down in the water. The biggest and gentlest of all sharks is the whale shark.And nearly all sharks are endangered.

The End


Charlotte's Arrival

Hello! My pen name is Charlotte M. Clementine.
I am a new Words on a Page author. My experience in writing is not incredible. I enjoy writing school assignments and so forth, so my invitation to Words on a Page sounded like an awesome opportunity. This is my chance to learn about blogging and further my knowledge in creative writing. I am so excited to provide stories and writing advise for all of you wonderful readers!

-Charlotte M. Clementine

We all know one of those people. They're the strange ones. Chances are you know someone like this. You may very well me strange yourself! Those people are odd, weird, crazy and possibly insane. You may not be friends with someone like that. Why? Because they're just not normal! But the odd ones seem to be the most entertaining. You may jump up and down for joy when your particularly peculiar friend calls, because you know he's going to tell some crazy story about ordering from McDonalds. Or maybe he'll just tell a normal story and make it sound like the funniest thing ever.

The weird ones don't say "cool" or "awesome" or "wow". They come up with different expressions that know one else would think to say.

The weird ones are a good kind of weird. They are people who can inspire, make you laugh and keep you on your toes. They are the ones who become characters in books, the subject of elementry school speeches and are some of the most amazing people on the face of the planet. They are the ones who you can learn from, they know how to put art into life and life into art.

Next time some one says you are crazy, you can look them in the eye with your head held high and say: "Thank you". Thank you awesome friends, with your quirks and oddities. That is what makes you special, and that is what makes you awesome. Stand proud and declare your strangeness... or not... that's up to you.
Because you know when to be weird and when not to be which sets you apart from the rest even more.

The End

Please tell us your thoughts on this fun little thing I wrote (you can tell that I have too much free time).  I would love to know your thoughts! You can tell us about how we perfectly described you or a friend. Or maybe share this with your friend to let her know how AMAZINGLY EPIC he or she is. In short: comment!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Writing a story: when to revise

 You've written about a chapter of your book. You decide to go back to make some corrections. You keep doing this every few pages. Uh-oh, if you have to make all of these corrections your story just isn't good enough, so you quit. Sound familiar? I think I might have some ideas to help.

These suggestions are just for people who have tried everything and this is their last resort to finally getting past chapter one. It worked for me and hopefully it will work for you. Every writer is different, so these may not be any help. But they're here if you need them.

  • The Plot: Forget about the plot! If you are expecting to write about a big exciting thing that's going to happen on page 137, chances are the people who bought your book are expecting to read about it. Frankly, planning out the entire plot of the story just makes it too predictable. "Go with the flow" is a good  way to put it. Let the characters and events lead you through the story, instead of you leading them. 
  • Deceiving Yourself: You may think something like: "I think I may have this character's name  wrong, I should go back and check." DON'T!!! Your just thinking that because you want to read what you've written and see how good it is. If you really care that much if the random girl's name is Jan or Jane, you can make a little side note. Or if the writing program you use doesn't have that, use a piece of notebook paper and make notes as worries come to mind. 
  • When to Revise: Revise when you're all done! Don't freak yourself about if the story is any good, or if your characters are described well or whatever. I think you can wait. If you MUST have it revised right away, have a friend do it for you. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Writing a Story: the story

I find that the best way for me to write is to write it all out, don't look back and don't look ahead. Remember everything you learned in school about always making an outline for your work? Don't do it if you're writing a fictional story. BAD IDEA.... usually. It works for some people to make a vague outline and know what's going to happen. That works for some. And that's okay. Write a few short stories first. Try a different style of planning for each one.

There are some things to think about before writing a story such as:
  • 1st person, 3rd person (or even, 2nd person)
  • When does this take place?
  • Where does this take place?
  • What kind of writing do I want to use?
Now I'll explain each one.

1st person, 3rd person (or even, 2nd person) The point of view you use to write is very important! You probably know from school which one is which. Make sure you don't randomly go between persons. Wait until the next chapter or section if you are going to switch.

When does my story take place? 
The sixties? Medieval times? The future? The present? Outside of time? You decide! A clever way to make it so nothing has to be historically correct is to put it outside of history. Don't mention any famous people or historical events, that way no one really knows when they are, or even if  in a real place.

Where does my story take place?
A magical kingdom, a science lab, a small town in the middle of Kentucky? Anywhere! But you have to make it fit the story.  

What kind of writing do I want to use? What kind of feeling do you want conveyed through your writing? Do some research on old English literature, the style is very interesting and I find myself using some techniques derived from it.

If you have anything to add, ask me, tell me about, or a story to submit, just comment! And don't forget to visit the reader writings page! I can't wait to hear from you!

-Vladimir Malcolm

Friday, September 10, 2010

No writing assignment today

Sorry I haven't done a Words on a Page writing assignment lately. I came down with an awful cold and haven't had the time or energy to write one. I am going to tell you a bit about the story I'm working on.

I'm currently in the middle of chapter four. The story does not yet have a title, and I haven't revised any of it yet. It's set in a nonexistent medieval kingdom. I'm writing this untitled story sort of like the writer (Princess Ina) is remembering her past. The story will end when she is around twenty seven and it begins when she is seven years old. And since you are a writer not a mathematician, that means the story spans the time of about twenty years.

I love the style I'm using, I would love to write more stories like this one, but I should probably wait to get the first one done before I start more! 

I will try to get the next writing assignment up as soon as I feel healthy! Or next Friday, whichever comes first.... or last... I'm not making sense any more! Also, I will keep you updated on my progress with the untitled story about a princess.

Don't forget to comment! When you comment it makes us feel special! Or if you're too lazy to comment you can rate the post or click on the little check boxes.... please.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Writing a story: Beginning

We've done quite a few "Words on a Page Writing Assignments" so far, and I think it's time I give some step-by-step tips about writing a story. The best place to begin is the beginning, so let's get started!

Don't focus too much on writing a beginning, or any part of the story for that matter. If that's just the way you write, that's okay, but if you usually have trouble writing a story I advise adhering to this rule. Just write it down and go back later if you must.

Keep it short and simple! How many books have you read where the beginning is slow and boring? Things that don't really need to be explained or set up are in the beginning. A short, simple, action-packed sentence is great for starting. Of course, you'll eventually have to revise it. If you just get it on paper, the ideas will most likely flow better than if you were examining every sentence as you went.

First impressions are important! When a story doesn't pick up by about the tenth page. I don't really bother to read the end. Have something at least a little exciting!  The story I'm currently working on is filled with exciting and interesting things. Of course when you're writing about an orphaned princess who's village was destroyed and ends up living in the village of people who destroyed the village, it's gonna be cool. (More on the story later).

Stay on topic. If your story is all over the place, no one is going to get it because it won't make sense. Keep it fairly consistent, but not to much. Exciting, but not crazy.

Introduce your character in a unique way. Don't start off a first person story by saying "Hi, I'm Joe." Or anything too similar. Booorrrinnng. Sure, it's good in some situations, but that beginning is so slow and over used. Introduce it with the beginning of the told story, we'll get the idea, if not, go back and add a better introduction later.

When can I describe my character? When he or she looks in a mirror, or when some on comments on their looks or when it just fits. You'll figure it out. If not: reread the story, think about it and nothing else or ask us.

My beginning sounds sort of cheesy, what do I do? Rewrite it over and over until you're satisfied. or maybe the cheesy beginning fits. Ask some friends who have read the beginning and ask how you can make it better.

If you think of any thing more to add (or just want to say something) comment below!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Writing about you.... or not.

 of, for, or pertaining to milk, cream, butter, cheese, etc.: dairy products; the dairy case at a supermarket.
a daily record, usually private, esp. of the writer's own experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, etc.
That definition of diary is a wonderful explanation of today's "Words on a Page writing assignment". You may already have a diary, if you don't keep reading and if you do, keep reading. Something I have never been able to do is keep a diary, or log, or journal, or what ever you want to call it. It just doesn't work. I forget about it, or decide I'm just not that exciting. 

Ever since I was five I tried to keep a diary. Ever since I was five, I failed. Until not too long ago. Here's what I did and what you're going to do: get a blank 70 page notebook. As often as possible, write in it. At the top, write the date. When I'm writing about myself I change my name and exaggerate a little. That way, there's no risk of you quitting journal writing because you find yourself boring. 

Another thing I do is write just random things. It's like I'm writing page 97 of a book. No beginning, middle or end. Just writing to write. It doesn't have to make sense or sound good. It doesn't have to fill up a page. Just make sure everything you write had the date on it. You'll be glad in the future when you look through your old notebooks. 

If you have a story in your journal you're especially proud of, submit it here for the world to see!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Do You See What I See?

"Write, write, write!" Chances are, if you get a book on writing you're probably going to read those words. And you know what, practice makes perfect. No, I'm not going to ask you to sit around at you local mall and write down everything you see. If you do that, you'll just get weird stares. Instead, I'm going to ask you to pay attention when you go to wal-mart, or the mall, or wherever! Just don't stare, that's rude. Just make a mental note of people who walk by, or the person who checks out your groceries. Keep a notebook in your car to write it down. After a few different trips to the grocery store, look over the people you wrote down. Choose your favorite and write a short story with him (or her) as the main character.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Music to my ears

Music is strange. Everyone seems to have a different opinion when it comes to music. Music is important for singers, dancers, and today, writers. For today's assignment you will be writing a story about a song. Not about the history or meaning, but the song.
Let me explain: the first thing to do is choose a song, preferably not a rap song, but if you really want to, go ahead. You can go with a funny song or an old song, whatever you like! Now, get out a pencil and paper (or a new word document) and play the song you chose once or twice.
How does the song make you feel? I know a few that make me cry, and some that make me want to wear pigtails and skip over to my granny's house. Write about how you feel.
Pay attention to the lyrics, what is the artist saying? What message is he trying to convey. Write about it. Listen to the instruments in the song and the voice of the singer. Are they strong or weak. Do they blend or stand out. Write about it! Now take all of that stuff you wrote about and think about it.
Play the song again, think of a story to fit your song.
Say you chose a song by Enya. Her voice is smooth, soft and angelic. Her lyrics are sometimes in Gaelic, so you may not understand them, but what if that language was also used by... fairies? Or maybe your story should be set in Ireland?
Maybe you chose one of her English songs. What is it about? Take the song "My! My! Time Flies!" She's talking about how things change through the years. Take that and build it into a story. The possibilities are endless!
Wait a little while and read it again while listening to the song. Do you still like it?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Coming soon

Freya and I joke around a lot, that's kind of our thing. Inside jokes are most common between us "There's a pachyderm on my trachea" etc.. I talked to Freya and there's going to be an on going series of short stories. I'm not sure what we're going to call them but I do know who the characters are going to be (it was part of the joke) Chuck, Dave, Phil, Norton, Doris, Jane, Mary Lou, Buck, Bill and Agnes. It's basically about a large family who lives in a tree house. It should be coming out in about a week. I don't know how often after that. So keep your eyes peeled for this!

Characters: Imperfection

I am hoping that Freya will write a post on finishing a story soon. I can never sick with stories, so I'm hoping her post will help. In the mean time, I will write yet another  post on characters. Today is imperfection.

Ask any person, and chances are, they will say that no one is perfect. If they say that, they are correct. Jesus was the only person who ever lived that was 100% perfect. It's true that some people were close, but close is not 100%. So naturally, you can't have a perfect character... with a few exceptions. If your character is perfect, or close to it, at least call attention to it in the story, otherwise people are going to think your characters are weak and unrealistic. If your characters do have flaws, don't let them say sorry every time. Unless you're writing a bigography on a Saint. No one can identify with characters who don't hurt, or get angry and mean it. They can to be mean sometimes, or rude, or even hateful. It is okay to do that to your character, even when he's the hero.

Weaknesses are another thing. Even superman had  a weakness. So did Mr. Incredible, he had a soft spot for junk food and his family. The weakness doesn't always have to be negative as you can see with the latter example.

So make your characters real. Make them human. Give them bad habits. Give them a short temper. It's okay, you can do it.

Fill all the lines of a notebook page with flaws you can give characters. Keep it for future reference.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I watched her carefully. The expression on her face was calm and cold. Her eyes were locked on one spot. She wasn't starring, she was thinking. How I wished that I could get inside of her head. She was up to something I knew it.
I felt something on my shoulder. A bird had landed on it, an indigo bunting, to be exact. I tried to silently shoo it away, but it was useless. I pushed it off gently, but the bird didn't know I was trying to be discreet. "Davey, is that you? What are you doing here? Mom said you had to go out and get groceries!" She exclaimed. "Wait a second, were you spying on me?"
I tried to change the subject. "So... how's the fishing?" That was a stupid question. How would she know? "Don't try to change the subject! Why were you spying on me?" I gave her one of those looks that they do in the movies. When you squint you eyes a little and tilt your head to the side and back and look skeptical.
"What are you up to?" She looked at me blankly. "Up to?" "Yeah, why were you so upset when you saw I was spying on you?" She shook her head. "Because it's an invasion on my privacy!" She shouted. Some passersby gave her a weird look. "So, what are you up to?" She shook her head. "If you really want to know, I got a job." I rolled my eyes. "So? Why would you keep that a secret?" "Because I didn't get mom's permission. I wanted to get her something special for her birthday."
What a let down!!! Here I thought I was about to discover that my sister was a secret agent, or a burglar or an alien and she's saving up for mom's birthday! I wonder what my brother Mike is up to....


Friday, July 16, 2010

Characters: The villain

A villain doesn't always have to be a whom, it can be a what. For instance the movie "The Never Ending Story". They aren't facing a person, they're facing an illness and a nothing. If you don't understand this, rent the movie. Today I'm going to talk about a human villain. You have to make some choices as to how sinister your villain is. After that come up with a name according to how sinister, and a wardrobe and a motive. How far is your villain willing to go. What can he or she do? Do they have power? Why don't they like the main character? Does he/she have a side kick? Do they ever change their ways? Do they know what they're doing is wrong?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Characters: friends

Most characters need a friend or friends. If my main character, Charlotte Marie Clementine in this case, is a teenager who has her head in the clouds. Now we need to come up with some friends. 1-3 close friends is about how many you want, more and you may have trouble giving them all distinct personalities. Now back to "Char" (short for Charlotte). I usually give female characters one female friend and one male. That way you have a little variation. Something that I like to do is have the male wish he didn't have to tag along with the girls, but he didn't have a choice. I like to have one friend the same age as my main character and one older or younger. Remember, these 2 characters are not your main character's only friends. Just the ones he or she hangs out with the most.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A very, very long and ALMOST pointless post.

I have just started chapter two of Distorted Notions. Chapter one is called broken homes start with broken minds and chapter two is called stone cold confusion. These titles seem kind of dark, don't they? Lately I've noticed my writing has been leaning towards a Twilight Zone style. Not to be confused with Twilight. I love switching gears on my writing when I'm stuck or bored with something. Blogging is a more informal writing style, which can be very relaxing after banging my head against the keyboard.
Now for something else I would like to talk about. The schools in my area are starting school in barely over a month. So naturally, I have been paying more attention to the sales at office max. Other things that come with school are trying to remember what you've learned before this Summer. Which is why an article about some of the most often misspelled words caught my eye. Surprisingly, the words young and cloth were on there. Which got me thinking: How much of that is because of spell check? I write quickly, which means I make lots of careless mistakes. So I am guilty of not using my brain. I have trouble memorizing things that aren't random and strange, which is really fun when I have a test in school.
Another thing about school: you do use it in life. Every year when I look at writing assignments from the beginning of the year to the e
nd of the year, I notice that little things like strong words and sentence structure makes your writing sound a lot better. If you say: "well I know I'll use it in life, but it's not like I'll be graded  on it". Well, you kind of will be. Whether you end up writing a book, or getting an office job, there will be pressure that seems very similar to being graded.
Writing is an important skill to have. If you're good at it, then you have a talent. If you like it, you're blessed. Writing applies to so many things! Speaking, poetry, reading, understanding, thinking. It's amazing how something like that is so important. For every book there is, someone had to write it.
Now what does speaking have to do with it? The more you write and learn about writing, the more you will understand the English language and how to use it best. What words sound good together, how you want people to understand what you're saying. If you write a lot, chances are you have a vocabulary and style for your writing. Chances are, part o
f that writing style will become your speaking style. When I write a blog or a journal entry, I write like I talk. When I write a story I write like I speak.
Poetry has been talked about several times on Words on a Page. Why? Because it's one of the most vaguely beautiful things you can write. I can't stand poetry. Which does not mean I don't appreciate the art, or the artists who create it. I can't write poetry, and I am extremely self conscious when I have to show someone a poem I wrote. I also have trouble interpreting poetry. In school, I hated it more than math (no offence to math fans out there). "Do you think that the poet meant he was tired, or flying in a moonlit sky?" I thought the poet meant what he wrote! I wanted to say that, but it's not a good idea to be a smart alec in school.... or anywhere else for that matter.
How does writing help with reading? Reading and writing could be compared to monkeys. At this point you would probably lean back in your chair and try to comprehend this. They are like monkeys because monkeys help each other with cleaning their fur. Still don't get it? A monkey has been playing around where ever this particular monkey lives with his monkey family. And this monkey, we'll call him Bill, is covered in bugs now. So his monkey friend George comes and clean the monkeys fur by eating the bugs. In turn, Bill does the same for George. Writing and reading are like friends who help each other clean up the other. When you read, you're learning, sometimes without realizing it, how to write well. By taking in all sorts of properly spelled words, interesting characters, and even little things that the author did that you don't like. By writing, you can pick apart what you're reading and further understand it.

Three paragraphs ago, when you saw that I said writing helps thinking. Any skill you learn will help with thinking. Comparing something to monkeys comes from my science book that I could not stand! Why did I write this really, really long post? To show you that 1)I have way too much time on my hands and 2) to prove to you that school may seem boring, but you can think of it as "how can I use this other than for this weeks pop quiz" rather than "I can't wait until the bell rings". I wrote this mostly because of reason one.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Characters part one: the main character

Note: These steps are for if you stuck and/or writing a book. These steps aren't necessary for a good main character.

Characters are the back bone of of a story. There are a lot of things to think about when you create your main character.

1. you need to come up with a basic idea of what you want you character to be like. Let's say I'm writing a story about a human teenage girl, who usually has her head in the clouds.

2. I would come up with a name to suit the character. I'm going to go with the name Charlotte Marie Clementine. If you write a lot of fictional stories, I advise you to have a list of girl's names, boy's names, fantasy names, last names and a list of names for fire fighters, writers, scientists, etc. for minor characters who won't be mentioned very often. Phone books are great places to find first and last names.

3. Get a piece of note book paper and write on the first side things like the character's hobbies, eye color, hair color, family, etc.. On the other side, write a paragraph describing the character. Here's an example of that paragraph with one of my minor characters from BtLoN:

"Tasha is a quiet, barely teenager who is in her first year of college. Her bubbly sister, Nia, is constantly getting on her nerves. Tasha's interests include: poetry, violin, piano, singing and ballroom dance. She plans on being a music teacher after college."
4. Give your character some flaws. Let's say that Charlotte has a bad habit of biting her nails and she trips when she goes down the stairs. Maybe have you main character be self-conscious or made fun of for something.

5. Give your character some personality and add whatever else you see fit.

Next weeks "Words on a Page writing assignment": co-stars

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Freya's First Post

"People are never as they seem, so take a moment to wake up from your dream, and take away the judgement you made in your heart, to see the person they were from the start. For you never know what goes on behind the scenes, within the mind and hands of time. The trouble, the grief, the hidden scars, the dreams, and wishes made upon the stars. When you feel as if you could judge, just take a moment to remember that they are more than just a smudge on this Earth, but more like a splash of life, God's creation, that could forever make a difference in this nation."

Poetry is often under appreciated... Some that is sewn together with a wonderful message is often taken and turned into something dark, and unwanted. But poetry is not a dark thing at all. To me, Freya Ellerhoff, it can be a way to let your imagination be free... To let out your thoughts and feelings, and to express yourself.

I hope you enjoyed the first post from I, Freya, and I hope you look forward to the more that is to come.

-Freya Ellerhoff.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just Kidding

"Do you understand now?" The teacher asked me. I nodded and didn't say anything. "Good. Now I expect you won't do that again?" I nodded again. "You may leave now." I hopped off the tall stool Mr. Jones kept in his incredibly dull office. I did a little curtsy. Not to be polite, more for my own amusement. That's why I do a lot of things, most of them aren't significant things, but this time maybe it was.

I went back into the classroom and sank into my desk chair. My cheeks were red with embarrassment. Jacob Simpson leaned over. "Why'd the principal call you?" He asked. He knew the principal very well. Jacob went to the office at least once a week. "It is none of your business Jacob! Just because I went to the Principal's office does not necessarily mean I did something wrong!" He smiled. Apparently he thought it was funny when other people get punished.

The teacher came back in. "Okay, class. We have five minutes left. No homework... except for you Doug... you have four chapters to read in science." I heard a groan from the back of the room. The bell finally rang. "Free at last" I thought.

I changed from black slacks and a plain blue polo shirt to a tye-dye T-shirt and jeans. I put my hair in a pony tail. I suddenly transformed from a quiet type to my true self: a laid back sarcastic teen who missed her old life. When there was more school to do, but she could get it done by 11:30am. Those were the days... the days before I started high-school.

You may be asking yourself why I dressed --and acted-- differently in school. Remember how I said I do things for my own amusement. Well that's why I did this. I could not only practice my acting, but see if anyone caught on. I never said anything dishonest about what I was doing. I wouldn't do anything like that. The results to my experiment were often times hilarious. And that was exactly what I was going for......

(A Purely Fictional Story by Vladimir Malcolm)

Friday, June 25, 2010


One of the hardest parts of any art is when you lack inspiration. For writers it is most commonly referred to as writer's block. First thing to do is stop thinking of it as writer's block. That name sounds rather depressing, as if there is a wall blocking you from the words that so desperately want to enter your mind. Think of it as a "temporary lack in inspiration". Ah, yes, that sounds good. There are many ways to get rid of this temporary lack in inspiration. You may already have something you do that helps. Some People take long walks on a peaceful night, some go out and jog, others write 50 random words, some doodle. Whatever works for you! Here are some other ideas to help:
  1. Start talking to yourself! Talk out what just happened in your story. You can even act it out! This also helps me with figuring out the character's speech habits.
  2. Scrap it. Save the document or piece of paper you have, you do not want to loose anything you write! Now, try starting over from the part where you started having trouble.
  3. Exercise can help too. Get your blood flowing! If you've been sitting in a chair for two hours writing, you're just begging for exercise. Believe me, it works.
  4. Write something else. If you're like Freya and I, we like variety, we're never trapped with just one project (which sometimes means we don't get them done when we need to). Start, or work on, another project.
If those things don't work. Make the troublesome part what you think about all the time. You're bound to come up with something sooner or later!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The villain

the unnamed villain

I have drawn  for you the villain from distorted notions. Freya and I don't just write, we love to draw too. The grey stuff around her is kind of symbolic to show her evil-ness. Pictures of Jesus and of Saints sometimes have a white or yellow radiance around them. They are holy, and this lady is pure evil... more about that in the book. Anyways, it was fun drawing her and I hope you like the picture!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Slowly but surely...

I am still working on the first chapter of Distorted Notions. I can't decide whether  to make it a fantasy or mystery. I am so glad that people are following Words on a Page! Please comment, we love to hear what you think! Anyways, back to Distorted Notions. I have most of my characters (including a villain) and I hope to finish this chapter soon. I am reading a sci-fi/fantasy book in hopes to find inspiration for my plot. I am so blessed to be able to spend so much time in the country, something about it really brings about the words I need to find. My main character is so contradictory to myself that it is hard to write for her. I have to cut this short. I'll post again soon!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A writer's responsibility

Writers make mistakes, we're humans, it's what we do. When you write, the first thing you should think about is, "Why am I writing this? What message do I want to send to people?" This will help you avoid problems. There are some cases where what your writing is really good, holy even structurally sound. Unfortunately, we humans go misunderstand. If you're confused think about this: You're IMing your best friend. Like most best friends you joke around and Probably have some inside jokes. Freya and I have so many it's like we speak another language. Then you join a chat group or get on and chat with someone else. You accidentally used an inside joke that she doesn't get and is seriously offended. You didn't make a mistake, but in writing you can't use a joking tone of voice. Thus, leading to misunderstandings. It's our jobs, both as writers and as Christians to prevent and fix misunderstandings. They have potential to be destructive.

Now for the assignment. Pretend you wrote a news paper article, not saying the nicest things about the mayor. You have to write another article to make what you did right. I encourage you to use a Bible verse this week. And, as always, you may send us your story in the comments, we'll read it and you might end up praised for your awsomeness! Remember, only comments on the post or relating to the subject matter will make it onto the blog, the writing entries are looked at by us and posted by us. If you would not like your story published on the blog, tell us so in your comment.

Next Week: Inspiration


Monday, June 14, 2010

Short story #2:

This story seems like it was chopped down, like there was more to it. If I was writing this for something other than a blog post, it would be more professional. I didn't want to make it so long that people would just skim through. I hope you will enjoy the story anyways!

Sheriff Austin Grimm stood next to his deputy, Harry Becker. The Sheriff was a tall man who didn't talk much. He was strong, swift and cunning. Harry, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. A little man who talked whenever there was something to say. He was strong like the Sheriff, but his experience as deputy was lacking. The Sheriff was bent over a piece of paper and Deputy Becker was standing next to him. "Well what do you think Harry?" The Sheriff asked. He stood to his full height of six feet six inches. Harry shrugged. "Well don't know sir. It seems kinda mean to let a kid have yer job, but I ain't the mayor, I don't call the shots." He sighed. He couldn't stand the thought of having his boss leave.
Sure Mr. Grimm wasn't the youngest guy around, but he sure knew his job. "What do you think,as a man, not a deputy?" Harry chuckled. "Well sir, I think you know the job better than anyone! I think the mayor's outta his mind to get rid of the best Sheriff this town's ever had! Plus, you and me have become pretty good friends over the years. If you was to retire, well I wouldn't just loose my boss, I'd loose my pal." The Sheriff smiled. Harry was the only person who could make him do so. "What are you gonna do sir?" Harry asked, taking his cowboy hat off. There was a long pause before the Sheriff spoke again. He started to pace.
"Harry, I've had this job for twenty years now. I am fifty years old. I think the mayor might be right about me bein' to old to have this job. I can't do things like I used to. My back's gettin' stiff and I want to see my daughter more. She's just about to get married ya know. I think I'm goin' to move away. I ain't movin' to far away, just to Oakridge, only fifteen miles from here. And I'll write too. I think it's time for me to move away. Harry, I haven't told you, but I've been prayin' about this for a while now, I believe that the Good Lord is tellin' me to go."
Harry didn't say anything right away. It took him a few seconds but he smiled and nodded. "Go Austin, don't let me keep you neither." And so Austin Grimm left to tell the mayor that he would indeed retire, and he lived a happy rest of his life.
The End


Friday, June 11, 2010

Distorted Notions

I have a title for my new book! I'm very excited! I have three written pages so far! I need to talk to Freya about a project I want to do on here. We have a running joke and it would be great to turn it into a story! There's another project I'm thinking about... I don't know quite yet... I hope everyone likes our weekly writing assignments. They are fun to think up! Look out for more pages and new stories to come! I hope you will enjoy what is to come, what has come, and what won't come but is there.

Don't forget: if, by the way of commenting, you submit a story, we'll see your comment before it's published and put your story on here! Sign it with a clever screen name and make sure you never want your story professionally published. Go ahead! We love to see other people's creativity!

-Vladimir Malcolm


The haiku is quite popular. The traditional Japanese style, also the most
common, consists of 5 not rhyming syllables 7 syllables and 5 again. These poems
are usually profound and beautiful. The haiku is hard to do do on cue. But with
a little practice you'll be haiku-ing up a storm. Here is an example of a haiku
(yes, I made it up

Beautiful cherries

A light breeze in the springtime

Light has come again

That would be the Japanese style. There is also a more modern American style of haiku which is a short line, long line, short line about a profound subject. Here's another original example:

Day will break

Sun will shine on still water

I will smile

Choose a style (or do both) and submit your haiku in a comment. We might just celebrate it in a post! Remember that poetry is a writing style that probably has more profound creativeness than other writing styles. So experiment! Maybe get a book or do some research on poetry.

Next Week: A writer's responsibility


P.S. small problem with publishing! The writing assignment of the week is still about writing a paragraph. This was supposed to be published June, 11.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New book

It seems we always have a project! Freya is currently finishing her book and working on chapter 2 of BtLoN. I was beyond bored and used my 8 hours of free time to think of a project of my own (other than the blog). I came up with a book. I won't tell you much about it yet. It's going to be epic, I can't wait to dig into it. I have another 8 hour day of doing nothing, so chapter one will be done in no time... if the ink in my pen doesn't run out. Now I must go do something that is not this so: Au revoir!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Writing a paragraph

Today I encourage you to something that you may find difficult: write a paragraph. Not any old paragraph. I want you to to find a small object, a bland object. Take it and examine it. Think about the texture, the colour, the shape, even the smell! Now put it away and DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK AT IT UNTIL YOU FINISH THIS ASSIGNMENT!!! Now get out your notebook and a pencil (never a pen). You are now going to write a seven sentence paragraph on this object. Make sure it is exciting and it praises your little object.

Start with a good outline:

I. pen cap
a. What a pen cap is used for
b. why a pen cap is important
c. what does the pen can look like
d. how has a pen cap helped me
e. how has it hurt me
f. why I shouldn't lose my pen cap
g. Closing sentence: restate something

Of course you don't have to do it just like I did. Even if you chose to write about a pen cap!

Now write your paragraph:

The pen cap is rather self-explanatory, it is used to can pens. Pen caps are important because they keep your pens from drying out. These helpful little things are usually a matching colour to your pen and are made of a rough plastic. When I need to write something important, such as a check, the pen cap keeps my pen from drying out. I have hurt my self on a pen cap by stepping on it. I shouldn't lose my pen cap because my pens will dry out and I won't be able to sign checks or legal documents. The pen cap is often taken for granted, I will no longer forget about the importance of the pen cap.

Now that was pretty rough, but it was just to give you an idea. So try it out and see what you come up with!

Next week: the haiku

Friday, May 28, 2010

A letter

Today I do not write something to entertain you. Instead I am going to ask you to do something. Yesterday I wrote a letter. I did not send it, and I may never send it. What you're asking yourself right now is probably: "Why write a letter if no one is going to see it?" First of all, because I love to write. Second, I felt I should write a letter to this person, whether he/she reads it or not. I ask you to do the same. Get out a notebook (any kind will do) and a pencil. Good. Now, I would like you to write a letter. To anyone you want. A famous person, a friend you haven't seen in years or even better, someone you absolutely cannot stand. Make your letter polite and kind. Try to make it one page long, front and back. This sounds easy enough, but is it?  You may find yourself challenged. Try to add a Bible verse (DO NOT USE "CURSE GOD AND DIE"!) and / or a profound quote.

Next week's "Words on a Page writing assignment" will be writing a paragraph... but there's a little surprise....

Friday, May 21, 2010

What's in a name?

"You know, you're pretty fortunate." Mrs. Lisa Hale said to her 14 year old daughter, Gweneth. "Not every kid gets to live biking distance from their cousins. Especially cousins the same age." "I know. I'm just saying that that Calvin and Moriah get on my nerves sometimes," Gweneth replied half-apologetically. Lisa Hale sighed. "Well deal with it. Why don't you go over to Aunt Sue and Uncle Kelly's house and help with the barbecue?" Young Miss Hale nodded and walked down the creaky porch steps in her neon green flip-flops. Her long dark hair was in a pony tail, which waved in the wind. Her dark green eyes burned because of the smoke coming from people's campfires. She coughed as she rode her metallic purple bike down streets and back roads. She waved at the neighbors, Mrs. Annie Green and little Lucy Howard,watering the flowers. Gweneth smiled at one of her friends named Daniel Bradly. He ran up to her bike. She stopped. "What's up, Dan?" He panted. "What time is your aunt and uncle's barbecue? I was invited yesterday." "Four O'clock" She replied. "Okay, thanks!" Daniel ran back to his house. Gweneth got to Aunt Sue and Uncle Kelly's shortly after.

"Hey Gwen!" Gweneth rolled her eyes, she hated to be called Gwen. "What took you so long?" "You were expecting me?" Calvin, Gweneth's 15 year old cousin shook his head. "No, but I thought I'd mess with you." Moriah Watters came running out of Calvin's house. "Hi Gweneth! Guess what your name means!" "Um, Princess?" "Nope! It means 'blessed'. My name means 'God is my teacher'." Gweneth, who was rather tall, peered over Moriah's shoulder. "What does Calvin's name mean?" Moriah shrugged, hitting Gweneth's chin with her shoulder. "I don't know, this book only has girl's names. Do you know what your name means Cal?" Calvin rolled his eyes. "My name means.... bald." The two girls laughed. "Really?" "Yeah."

-Vladimir Malcolm

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Book Finished!

Freya just finished part one of her two part novel. It's amazing, but unfortunately, you can't see it. I'm not sure how BtLoN is coming yet. Hopefully it is going well! That's all the news I have right now. I'm sorry there isn't more. Another day then! Farewell!

-Vladimir Malcolm

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

BtLoN update: Chapter 1

No, you don't get to read Chapter one quite yet. I will tell you that in chapter one....

Monica Black is hiding something, and it's driving Roxanne up the wall! We meet the eccentric librarian Miss Penelope. We also meet Aaron and Esther. Who's Benjamen? And is he really from Europe? Find out in chapter two!
Did that peak your curiosity? Probably not. I don't know much about Chapter two yet, that's Freya's chapter. She has a week to write her chapter and then I will do chapter three. Freya and I have some ideas that we're going to work on. Right now My main priority is BtLoN. Freya is just about to finish a book she's been working on for awhile. I'm hoping she puts the introduction or something on here soon [hint hint].

-Vladimir Malcolm

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Remember that story I posted Wednesday? Yes, that one. We probably won't be posting any more of that story, for at least two weeks. Boredom had over come me when I wrote that, Freya read it and now we will be writing the rest of it, hopefully, by Sunday. Unfortunately for you wonderful readers, we will not be writing it online, the way we write our other stories. We're going "old-fashioned" and using a note book. We will have other stories, don't worry about that. Words on a Page will continue to write weekly, just not BtLoN.

BtLoN stands for Beyond the Limits of Normality. A fitting name for a "far-out" book. Far-out meaning strange of course, not "groovy". I thank you for lending us your time to read this, I hope you will enjoy our book, along with the other stories that will come about from the depths of our imaginations. Keep your eyes peeled, you never know what will be posted next on Words on a Page.

-Vladimir Malcolm

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Short story 1

This may not be finished, an yet, it might be... I suppose we'll find out.


I laid down, about to read a book I had been waiting for since last Friday. The hardcover novel made that sound you hear when you open a new book. I smiled and whispered to myself "Chapter One," and then the phone rang, just my luck. "Roxi, hon, can you get that?" Asked my mom, Monica Black. "Sure." I answered the phone with "Hello, this is Roxanne, to whom am I speaking?" Mom always thought it was funny how I answered the phone. She also found it funny that I brought whatever I was doing with me to the phone.

"Roxanne?!" The person on the other end said in surprise. "Gee, it's been awhile since I've talked to you. Like two years or so!" I was confused. "Who is this?" I asked, trying to sound firm. "Ha ha, it's Jason! Your brother!" I dropped the book I was holding. It the floor with a loud thud.

"Roxi, who is that?" My mom shouted from her bedroom. When I didn't answer, she came out to see what was up. I gave her the phone. "Jason." I left. I didn't talk to Jason. Not for any real reason, except that I didn't get along with him because HE WAS SO DARN ANNOYING! AND HE THOUGHT HE KNEW EVERYTHING!

I picked up my book and returned to my room.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Who we are

We are two writers who needed an outlet for our creativity. Our "names" are Vladimir Malcolm and Freya Ellerhoff. We work on everything from poems to books, sci-fi to fantasy. If you are reading this, you have either 1. accidentally stumbled apon it, or 2. you are special, and we told you. Who knows when we'll post. We don't. Our work will be displayed sooner or later. Right now we're working on a book called "Beyond the Limits of Normality". It's fantasy and we hope it will please you. That will be all, Vladimir and Freya
