
Monday, November 29, 2010

The Thing about Writing

You know,the thing about writing is that,for people like me sometimes it is not always easy.The first thing about writing a story is finding an idea,which is pretty easy for me,maybe not all people but for me.The next thing is writing a rough draft,which is easy but for me it is hard to stay focused on the story,I have a hard time finishing it.But luckily,for people like me there is plenty of help.Such as,things that help you write your story,like the thing Vladimir has,and there are plenty of things like that that do a lot of the writing for you,and all you have to do is fill in the blanks. And for people who don't like writing with a pencil,just type.I guess what I am trying to say is: that no matter what your thing is about writing,there is always a pretty good solution.

So the next time you have\want to write,but have trouble,do your research and you will usually find a good solution,either on the internet,or a book.

Charlotte M. Clementine

1 comment:

  1. I agree that writing is hard! I once had a teacher who said, "Writing is hard for some people, and harder for other people."

