
Friday, July 30, 2010

Music to my ears

Music is strange. Everyone seems to have a different opinion when it comes to music. Music is important for singers, dancers, and today, writers. For today's assignment you will be writing a story about a song. Not about the history or meaning, but the song.
Let me explain: the first thing to do is choose a song, preferably not a rap song, but if you really want to, go ahead. You can go with a funny song or an old song, whatever you like! Now, get out a pencil and paper (or a new word document) and play the song you chose once or twice.
How does the song make you feel? I know a few that make me cry, and some that make me want to wear pigtails and skip over to my granny's house. Write about how you feel.
Pay attention to the lyrics, what is the artist saying? What message is he trying to convey. Write about it. Listen to the instruments in the song and the voice of the singer. Are they strong or weak. Do they blend or stand out. Write about it! Now take all of that stuff you wrote about and think about it.
Play the song again, think of a story to fit your song.
Say you chose a song by Enya. Her voice is smooth, soft and angelic. Her lyrics are sometimes in Gaelic, so you may not understand them, but what if that language was also used by... fairies? Or maybe your story should be set in Ireland?
Maybe you chose one of her English songs. What is it about? Take the song "My! My! Time Flies!" She's talking about how things change through the years. Take that and build it into a story. The possibilities are endless!
Wait a little while and read it again while listening to the song. Do you still like it?

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